Paul Swaddle

President, National Conservative Convention, 2012–13

"As a longstanding volunteer who has served in constituency, area, regional and national officer positions, I wholeheartedly offer my support to Theresa May in her campaign to be Leader of the Conservative Party and our next Prime Minister.

"I worked with Theresa to introduce primary selections and campaigned alongside her to lead our Party through issues like the introduction of the equal marriage legislation. I know that Theresa has the determination to deliver what we need as a country in the years to come and that she is willing to take on the moral challenges that sometimes challenge the status quo.

"We need a leader who is in touch with modern Britain and a firm hand on the rudder to guide us through the choppy waters ahead. There is no doubt that Theresa May is that person and I am delighted to support her campaign."

Member of the Party Board, 2009–13
Vice President, National Conservative Convention, 2009–12
President, National Conservative Convention, 2012–13
Chairman of the Party Conference, 2012
Chairman, South East England, 2007–09

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